Monday, May 5, 2008

Forex Currency Trading - How To Make Consistent Profits In 4 Simple Steps

Forex, currency trading whatever you wish to call it is an opportunity to build wealth however, the fact remains 95% of traders lose money. This is not because they can't make money but because they make simple errors. This article is designed to put you on the road to forex profits in 4 simple steps.

Step 1 - It's up to YOU
No one can give you success for no effort so forget all the automatic forex trading systems and forex robots people try and sell you on the net which for a few hundred dollars are going to make you rich - they won't!

Mind you, if you are serious about forex trading you knew the above already so, what you need to do it to this.

Step 2 - Work Smart NOT Hard
Forget about all the mentors or gurus trying to sell you secrets there are none - forex trading is down to learning the right information and getting the right forex education. This should not take long a couple of weeks maximum.

Keep in mind you don't get paid for effort in forex trading, you get paid for being right and that's all.

Many traders make the mistake of thinking the harder they work, the more they make - Not true, that may apply in a 9 - 5 job but not in forex, currency trading.

Once you have learned the right information you then need to have a forex trading strategy you have confidence in and can trade for profit.

Step 3 Your Forex Trading System for Gains
Many novice forex traders think building a forex trading system is hard not so you can build a simple, robust profitable quickly and you need to keep it simple!

Simple strategies work best as they are more robust than complicated ones with fewer elements to break in the brutal real time world of trading.

A good way to start is with a simple breakout system.

This is a timeless way to make money and is easy to understand, implement and will make you money. We don't have time to discuss in full here - but look up breakouts, support and resistance add some momentum indicators and your all set - we have covered building a system in other articles, just look them up.

Keep in mind this once you have your system you have one key element you must pay attention to and that's:

Step 4 - Get the Mindset for Success

While a robust simple trading system will work, you still need to apply it with discipline.

Discipline is the real key to long term gains. If you don't have the discipline to apply your forex trading system, you don't have a system - Period!

If you have built your own forex trading system, you will have confidence in it - this is vital for you to stay with your system through periods of losses ( don't believe anyone who tells you can make a regular income - you will have losing periods that's life) with discipline to achieve long term success.

The Challenge is there are You UP For It?

Forex, currency trading is not hard if you work smart and get a simple robust system you can apply with discipline.

Most traders thing other people can give them success - that's not life your on your own but with the rewards on offer that's the best place to be.

If you have desire, a willingness to work smart and the mental attitude to succeed, you can make big gains at forex, currency trading and enjoy success - its as simple as that.

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